Now the methods which can promote GOOD sleep :
1) Drink Tomato Juice [approx. 120ml]
2) Eat banana [i tink some will do bah... cos its fattening!!]
3) Drink Grape Juice [approx.120ml]
4) Drink ALITTLE Red or White Wine.
The doctor mention that sleeping problems is normally cause by anxiety or active mind. Above methods stated will calm our mind & so to prepare for sleep. The doctor oso mention that children need longer sleeping hours than adults. And one more interesting info, children who sleep longer hours will be more clever... Never hear this before, only heard before baby will grow faster if they sleep more... But the above does not applies to adult k... Too much sleep for adults will result drowsiness & headaches. Btw, the doctor also share a method to return Sleep Debts... [I tink most human have this debt] If u r tinking to return by sleeping more than u are utterly wrong k... Sleeping more will not return ur debts neither will it make u feel better.. In fact worst!! She highlight that if u having not enuff sleep during the night, eat more vegetables & fruits the next day will help better... So now we got another excuse to EAT MORE... Haha!! Less meat will help...
Wondering will it works mah? Anyway, i will try out the tomato method one of these days... Recently keep having sleeping problems... Like last nite, i go to bed at 12midnight but i am still awake @4am cos i felt stuffy & hot... But the problem is my air condition is ON at 20degree... How can it be hot??? Anyway, the weather is very bad yesterday... Super hot!!

Late Greetings : Happy Valentine's Day!! =)
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