Finally i had my long waiting steamboat... Been craving for it since 2-3mths ago but haven got a chance to go... Only until yesterday, i'm able to enjoy my all time fav steamboat @ Golden Mile... Yummie Yummie [slurp~]... Serving isn't very big or its is rather small bah... But its the quality of the food tat counts mah... Thumbs up!! Just tat it's abit costly for the quantity but worth for the quality... =)
Yesterday i oso did a stupid thing... I drove my fren's car to the Eastside to fulfil my revengeful desire... Sounds serious huh... Haha!! But i din do anything la... Just happens to be ard there so just dropby to tat unfamiliar place which i haven been stepping in for a year plus or two, to have a look lor.... Tinking back during tat split moment when tat incident happen, i did have tots to do something reckless... I remembered i called my fren & asked him to drive me to Eastside to burn dwn tat bike.... Till then tat fren still rememeber it... Haha! Tat's y yesterday my fren was quite worried when i rch & step out of the car... He kept asking me "你要做什么?" then i kept replying "只是看看而已啦..." And true enuff i fulfil my revenge by 看看而已 loh... Kinda stupid actually... I know myself well enuff tat of cos i wun do anything foolish tat hurt or harm others or even a thing... Watever i say during that time is due to my anger & dissappointment... Or just a kind of imagination that make me feel beta or to vent anger... Keke! 讲讲而已啦... Even after i finish my 看看 journey & sit back in car... I still say a full bunch of craps on Just now wat i should do etc etc etc blah blah blah [censored!! too violent liao].... We joke on the whole issue... I remember a i say if 君子 wana take revenge, its nt too late to wait till 10yrs [a chinese saying]... Then he reply me.... wait till 10yrs later u cannot find that bike liao lo.... People change bike/car move house liao lo... Lame ley!
End of the day i tell my fren 以上只是讲讲而已啦... 我不是这样的人... And u noe wat my fren said, 我知道你不是这样的人, 可是有时候难讲的wor............. -_-''
But i noe i wun de la....
P/S : i haven finish the happy book... will updatez the happy formula post when i'm done wf the book... delay delay.... As usual, 讲讲而已...
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
''Bookie days''
keke... bookie days meaning the days with book nothing illegal k...
As refer to previous posts, thanks for all the care & concerns.. I'm feeling better le... Dun worry k!! As for how did I felt beta is due to a Book... On that day when i'm feeling down, I actually went to library to calm/cool down myself in the slienct place.... Its been long that i step into public library & i even had a stupid incident there... Elaborate later... As i say i wanted to calm myself so i jus walk ard to grab a book & sit down.... And so coincidence, i saw this book title : Feel Happy Now! So i jiu take lor.... To my surprise, i actually read it & even completed half of the book within the 1.5hr.... To be frank, i'm nt a reading person till to the extend whereby when i open a book i tends to feel sleepy... Keke! But tat day was somehow or rather weird me to read so much... Cos after reading it, i actually felt better... Really better! I was so amaze untill i wanted to borrow it so much! I tink i will completed it by tis weekend cos i oso borrowed another 3 books to maximise the use of borrowing even though i might nt read [i'm a typical kiasu sporean]... Will share with u all that book in my next post k... Cos it actually teaches u the "Happy Formula" [tis will be my next blog post topic] Stay tune..
As i mention earlier, i had a stupid incident.. Here it is! Cos after i chosen the books, i walked to the borrowing machine which is rather new & alien to me... I stood there for like 5min to figure out how to use it cos i tink got more than 10 yrs din borrow books liao... Luckily nobody is in the Q, if nt they sure laugh at tis 'sua gu' de... Finally i figured out liao, i happliy follow the instructions but that stupid machine prompt me a message saying that tat book cannot be borrowed & ask me to proceed to counter... I tried with all books & different machine oso same message... I was so disappointed & scared cos for a moment i tot i spoil that machine or did i have bad records with National Library Board... So i guai guai proceed to counter & tell the customer service abt tat error & gave her my NRIC.... Felt abit awkward until i wanted to tell her i dun want to borrow liao.... But before i open my mouth, tis customer svc lady tells me that the error is due to because i long time din borrow books liao, so the system cannot get my data... I was like "HUH"... like that oso got error.... But after so updating, the problems is solved liao.... I even jokingly asked her so how often do i need to update my detail so to prevent such error when borrowing again?... Keke! So to those people who are just like me, super long never go library liao.. Please go update ur details with National Library Board in order to enjoy the privilledges borrowing books & etc.... Most impt, dun get panic when u see that alien borrowing machine or the error msg when borrowing books... Its just a system error!! Hahaha~
Now i'm tinking, how to return the books huh? i never see any returning machines in library ley... Anybody hav any idea?
I tink these few days will be indulging myself with books... Just like last 2 nights, i actually read till i felt sleepy before i turn off my table lamp.... Moreover, i feel that reading isn't as boring as i tot... I officially announce that i hav a new hobby : Reading [although it will not be my all time fav hobby, but at least for the time being i like it]
I even put a book in my baggie wherever i go these days... My DS Lite must be so jealous that i neglect him... Keke!
Btw, want to remind that today & tml (22nd & 23rd) have fireworks @ Marina Bay... Can go somewhere ard there to see see k... Should be very nice & romantic... At the same time will be CROWDED too... As for me, maybe i will be going la... Today will be having dinner wf a fren, if times allow then will go to that Ulu Ulu place to watch fireworks... Provided i still remember the way to the ulu place.... If nt gota ask whether my fren remembered ma....
Enjoy ur friday & weekend....
Note : Next post on "Happy Formula"...
As refer to previous posts, thanks for all the care & concerns.. I'm feeling better le... Dun worry k!! As for how did I felt beta is due to a Book... On that day when i'm feeling down, I actually went to library to calm/cool down myself in the slienct place.... Its been long that i step into public library & i even had a stupid incident there... Elaborate later... As i say i wanted to calm myself so i jus walk ard to grab a book & sit down.... And so coincidence, i saw this book title : Feel Happy Now! So i jiu take lor.... To my surprise, i actually read it & even completed half of the book within the 1.5hr.... To be frank, i'm nt a reading person till to the extend whereby when i open a book i tends to feel sleepy... Keke! But tat day was somehow or rather weird me to read so much... Cos after reading it, i actually felt better... Really better! I was so amaze untill i wanted to borrow it so much! I tink i will completed it by tis weekend cos i oso borrowed another 3 books to maximise the use of borrowing even though i might nt read [i'm a typical kiasu sporean]... Will share with u all that book in my next post k... Cos it actually teaches u the "Happy Formula" [tis will be my next blog post topic] Stay tune..
As i mention earlier, i had a stupid incident.. Here it is! Cos after i chosen the books, i walked to the borrowing machine which is rather new & alien to me... I stood there for like 5min to figure out how to use it cos i tink got more than 10 yrs din borrow books liao... Luckily nobody is in the Q, if nt they sure laugh at tis 'sua gu' de... Finally i figured out liao, i happliy follow the instructions but that stupid machine prompt me a message saying that tat book cannot be borrowed & ask me to proceed to counter... I tried with all books & different machine oso same message... I was so disappointed & scared cos for a moment i tot i spoil that machine or did i have bad records with National Library Board... So i guai guai proceed to counter & tell the customer service abt tat error & gave her my NRIC.... Felt abit awkward until i wanted to tell her i dun want to borrow liao.... But before i open my mouth, tis customer svc lady tells me that the error is due to because i long time din borrow books liao, so the system cannot get my data... I was like "HUH"... like that oso got error.... But after so updating, the problems is solved liao.... I even jokingly asked her so how often do i need to update my detail so to prevent such error when borrowing again?... Keke! So to those people who are just like me, super long never go library liao.. Please go update ur details with National Library Board in order to enjoy the privilledges borrowing books & etc.... Most impt, dun get panic when u see that alien borrowing machine or the error msg when borrowing books... Its just a system error!! Hahaha~
Now i'm tinking, how to return the books huh? i never see any returning machines in library ley... Anybody hav any idea?
I tink these few days will be indulging myself with books... Just like last 2 nights, i actually read till i felt sleepy before i turn off my table lamp.... Moreover, i feel that reading isn't as boring as i tot... I officially announce that i hav a new hobby : Reading [although it will not be my all time fav hobby, but at least for the time being i like it]
I even put a book in my baggie wherever i go these days... My DS Lite must be so jealous that i neglect him... Keke!
Btw, want to remind that today & tml (22nd & 23rd) have fireworks @ Marina Bay... Can go somewhere ard there to see see k... Should be very nice & romantic... At the same time will be CROWDED too... As for me, maybe i will be going la... Today will be having dinner wf a fren, if times allow then will go to that Ulu Ulu place to watch fireworks... Provided i still remember the way to the ulu place.... If nt gota ask whether my fren remembered ma....
Enjoy ur friday & weekend....
Note : Next post on "Happy Formula"...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
a missed call
i'm so sick & tired of everything... Reality is so evil! Facts are so undesirable!!
i'm having a really bad mood today... i wonder y am i unhappy about? i can't really figured out myself... Is it becos tat i blame myself for not answering that call last night or is it that i'm angry over the voice mail left behind... I really dunno...
Kinda regret tat i retrieve tat voice mail only tis morning... i shldn't have... if nt it wouldn't triggered my 2nd tots which i hate... If given the choice again, i would rather answer tat call than listen to the voice mail... At least i will feel beta bah~
Words i wanted to say to him :
Same like u, i really duno wat to say too... i will take care~ u too... Bon voyage~
i'm having a really bad mood today... i wonder y am i unhappy about? i can't really figured out myself... Is it becos tat i blame myself for not answering that call last night or is it that i'm angry over the voice mail left behind... I really dunno...
Kinda regret tat i retrieve tat voice mail only tis morning... i shldn't have... if nt it wouldn't triggered my 2nd tots which i hate... If given the choice again, i would rather answer tat call than listen to the voice mail... At least i will feel beta bah~
Words i wanted to say to him :
Same like u, i really duno wat to say too... i will take care~ u too... Bon voyage~
Friday, August 15, 2008
@ post specially for my dear Adeline
Just read ur latest post on ur bloggie...
Dun worry gal... Although we din meet up as frequent as before due to our busy schdules & worktime & social life... But we know we do still care for each other de... No matter wat, we will still squeeze out time to meet up when possible de mah.... After ther 11yrs of training, we are still as 38, as crappy, as 'bo chap' our image by laughing as loud as possible when we getting together... Wahahaha~
Sometimes i do feel as bad for not able to turn up for outing... True enuff its really hard to get 6 of us together... But i'm sure still got chance de la.... Looking forward for the cuming meet up before the Genting trip [suling mention to me, me still in pending mode due to my leave!!]...
Last but not least, just wana remind u that BANGZ is 5galz plus u 6 [who did u miss out huh!!!] And another most IMPORTANT thing... We are just A PHONE CALL away.... Miss me then call me lo... Kekeke!! [btw, i rebond hair liao ley.... Know me so long nvr see me wf straight hair hor....]
Enjoy ur HK shopping trip....

Dun worry gal... Although we din meet up as frequent as before due to our busy schdules & worktime & social life... But we know we do still care for each other de... No matter wat, we will still squeeze out time to meet up when possible de mah.... After ther 11yrs of training, we are still as 38, as crappy, as 'bo chap' our image by laughing as loud as possible when we getting together... Wahahaha~
Sometimes i do feel as bad for not able to turn up for outing... True enuff its really hard to get 6 of us together... But i'm sure still got chance de la.... Looking forward for the cuming meet up before the Genting trip [suling mention to me, me still in pending mode due to my leave!!]...
Last but not least, just wana remind u that BANGZ is 5galz plus u 6 [who did u miss out huh!!!] And another most IMPORTANT thing... We are just A PHONE CALL away.... Miss me then call me lo... Kekeke!! [btw, i rebond hair liao ley.... Know me so long nvr see me wf straight hair hor....]
Enjoy ur HK shopping trip....
[i tink u should know y i post tis pic..... Beta dun mention in here.... we noe jiu hao!!]
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Memories in a box
i nearly forgotten that i hav a box keeping all stuffs related to him.... Cards he gave me during special days, small gifts, small handicrafts he made for me etc etc. I din remember i kept so many of our past until yesterday. That full box brought back alot of memories when i took out those things 1 by 1..... It was way back since 2004...
I clearly remember the reason hw & why i accepted him tat time cos it took me alot of courage & consideration & time plus alot of peers nagging at me.. I din put in much hope in our relationship cos i always claims that me & him was a ridiculous pair cos i feel that we came from different world, different character, different mentality but instead we click well... Due to so many differences, i dun expect any future wf him.. During that period of time, my friends think that i'm bad/weird cos i start tis relationship wf tis guy but dun see him in my future picture of life... Haha! I dunno y i have such instincts..... Anyway, my instincts are proven right after 3 yrs....
So the moral of the story is : Gal's instincts are accurate... Not 100% but at least got 80%... haha!
As i mention, i took out those things to see & read... I found a booklet which record down every bits & pieces before we actually got together... how we laugh, how we quarrel, how we apologise, stupid things we done.. Wat he do to make me happy, how i bully him, wat he sacrifice for me, how did he balance his work, his family & me... Feeling kinda sweet when reading.... As for the cards, they remind me of the 1st card he gave it to me... I actually tell him that its a waste of $ to buy me cards cos its super expensive for just 1 piece of paper... How bad am i!! But after getting to know him better, i knew that is his habit to give cards... Cos he would spend time to find that card not just grab jiu pay liao de... The cards he chosen hav meaning de... Thats y i read & kept all of it... But when i was reading it yest, other than its abit mushy, i found out something which i din noe all these while... I found out that i'm not being a nice gf... Some of the things he mention to me, i din even put it to heart... Until now then i realise it... Maybe i did gradually contribute to tis break up bah...
Every relationship have something to learn... In tis one, i learn alot... Patience, tolerance, forgiviness, anger management, determination, how to wear a natural smile in ur lousiest mood [i tink tats y i din hav much complains when i was in customer svc] & how to be 小女人.... Something like a 3yrs course rite... Keke! In a relationship, its not about who is right who is wrong... It takes 2 hands to clap anyway... People ask me did i blame him or angry wf him... To be frank, i din... Nothing to blame on... Maybe got alittle angry becos he din have courage to face it bah... Other than that nothing else liao bah... Anyway, tis 3yr course is rather fruitful to me... At least i learn so many EQ thingy...
As for the box, its still beside my bed cos last night read till fell asleep... I tink i will just place it back into my cupboard bah.... Dunno when will i open again...
I clearly remember the reason hw & why i accepted him tat time cos it took me alot of courage & consideration & time plus alot of peers nagging at me.. I din put in much hope in our relationship cos i always claims that me & him was a ridiculous pair cos i feel that we came from different world, different character, different mentality but instead we click well... Due to so many differences, i dun expect any future wf him.. During that period of time, my friends think that i'm bad/weird cos i start tis relationship wf tis guy but dun see him in my future picture of life... Haha! I dunno y i have such instincts..... Anyway, my instincts are proven right after 3 yrs....
So the moral of the story is : Gal's instincts are accurate... Not 100% but at least got 80%... haha!
As i mention, i took out those things to see & read... I found a booklet which record down every bits & pieces before we actually got together... how we laugh, how we quarrel, how we apologise, stupid things we done.. Wat he do to make me happy, how i bully him, wat he sacrifice for me, how did he balance his work, his family & me... Feeling kinda sweet when reading.... As for the cards, they remind me of the 1st card he gave it to me... I actually tell him that its a waste of $ to buy me cards cos its super expensive for just 1 piece of paper... How bad am i!! But after getting to know him better, i knew that is his habit to give cards... Cos he would spend time to find that card not just grab jiu pay liao de... The cards he chosen hav meaning de... Thats y i read & kept all of it... But when i was reading it yest, other than its abit mushy, i found out something which i din noe all these while... I found out that i'm not being a nice gf... Some of the things he mention to me, i din even put it to heart... Until now then i realise it... Maybe i did gradually contribute to tis break up bah...
Every relationship have something to learn... In tis one, i learn alot... Patience, tolerance, forgiviness, anger management, determination, how to wear a natural smile in ur lousiest mood [i tink tats y i din hav much complains when i was in customer svc] & how to be 小女人.... Something like a 3yrs course rite... Keke! In a relationship, its not about who is right who is wrong... It takes 2 hands to clap anyway... People ask me did i blame him or angry wf him... To be frank, i din... Nothing to blame on... Maybe got alittle angry becos he din have courage to face it bah... Other than that nothing else liao bah... Anyway, tis 3yr course is rather fruitful to me... At least i learn so many EQ thingy...
As for the box, its still beside my bed cos last night read till fell asleep... I tink i will just place it back into my cupboard bah.... Dunno when will i open again...
Monday, August 11, 2008
~ argh ~
i'm having a very bad hangover since yest morning
All thanks to saturday's nite session
i din know i will hangover till so jialat de...
Come to tink of it, i din noe exactly how i got back home oso
the last thing i remembered was that i was chatting in car........
then the next thing is Sunday morning lo...
its been a long time that i experience tis liao....
no good X2
Updates :
[+_+ lost my specs +_+]
Friday, August 8, 2008
8th August 2008
Woo!! Nice numbers isn't it~ kekez Jus wanted to post something on this day cos its seems auspicious ma.... keke!! Today's TOTO oso 8million wor.... But i haven buy yet... Maybe later go chk the Q long anot... Haven been buying TOTO for quite sometime liao.... Try some luck bah!! Maybe by tml i will be 8million richer.... Whahahaha~ [**daydreaming mode**]
Jus some updatez... Met Surong tat day cos Georgi din turn up due to some last min meeting.. Sigh~ Anyway, both of us is fun enuff oso... Romantic mah... We went to JP for dinner @ Japanese Teppanyaki Restaurant.... Abit expensive for that kind of quality & quantity of food serve... Still edible la... Just wana say something abt their special Chawanmushi... Cos their in-house Chawanmushi is serve in 'Onion bowl'... At first the waitress describe to us & both of us were blurr.... Dunno wat is she talking abt... Only understand it when its being served.... Its jus normal Chawanmushi in Onion in stead of the normal bowl lo.... Super small [i tink 3 teaspoon can finish] & super expensive for that size.... When it arrived at our table, both of us have the same expression, which is "Luckily we din order another one... Super bo hua!" Moreover the size of ur Chawanmushi varies due to the size of the onion they use gt different size oso... I notice because the table beside us oso ordered & theirs was even smaller than ours... Kekeke!
After dinner we went to shop around.... I'm so into bags... Wanted to get a bag but always cannot find something i like de.... But surong is good at giving comments & she can oso provide me various brands staff price... Keke! Cos she has lots of contacts in sales line at different brands... So whenever i saw anything i like, she will say "I help u ask my friend see got staff discount anot..." Isn't tat wonderful to hear when u are shopping... Cos u can get something u like at a much cheaper price but the grade is the same.... Tats y i luv shopping with her... Hehe! But tat day i buy anything after a long shopping.... Sigh~ I'm always undecisive when spending money on shopping... I will consider consider & consider cos i always feel that there is a much beta one out there just that i haven find it yet... I wonder is it good or bad....
** i want a bag **
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
morning was a great one as i've got a little surprise hang at my gate.... Initially i tot its wrong house... Keke! Anyway, its kaya toast, soya bean & a daisy bundle... So sweet! Although it din state who is it but i tink i noe who is it... Thks bro! I jus merely say that i craving for kaya toast during yest night chat & u really bought for me tis morning all the way from Ubi... Next time i should have mention something else more expensive!!! [keke... joking la~] Btw, i can't believe thathe still remember i like daisy... I tink i mention to him ages ago tat i would be very happy if some1 just give me 1 daisy than a bouquet... very attentive of him huh...
Anyway, i sms him just now to thank him for the AM surprise... And oso curiously ask him y oso got daisy... He say that he happens to passby a flowerist & remembered that i like daisy so jus bought it lo... So sweet of him.... He always knew i wouldn't have called him if i'm alright de... Although i din mention abit to him wat happen tru out these period [b'cos we haven been contacting for some period of time liao bah] but he sense that i'm unhappy bah... All these years he had been by my side to guide me, listen to my grumbling, make me smile... Tinking back its been 10yrs liao bah... 10 yrs of friendship isn't short nor is it very long.... Cos during tis 10yrs we did have some conflicts & din contact each other for a period of time... Was kinda stupid when i tink back abt the conflicts... Kinda grateful towards him cos he changes/help me alot... Still remember when i was in secondary sch, sec 2-3 i tink... i have some intention of suicide due to some problems..... If its not him, i will not be typing here liao.... So he is so called my 恩人... Sounds weird...
Anyway, just wana thank 恩人 for his never-ending nagging, never-ending kao pehing, never-ending jokes & laughter, never-ending of reminder by ur little nephew that i'm old & not forgeting the breakfast & flower today... Btw, I hope i can be godma soon so i can teach ur son/daughter to bully u on behalf of me... Keke!
I noe everything u did is just wanting me to be happy....
[copied tis post & emailed him liao... Duno he will puke ant!]
Will be meeting Surong & Georgi for dinner.... Keke! So happy~ Its been ages that i seen Georgi... Tis kuku woman is super busy lor.... Meet her must at least 1mth advance booking de... kaoz!! But surprisingly tis last min meetup was only confirm on yest evening... And she told me a very disappointing news yest.... Cos during May we decide to go Bintan together then due to her busy schdule, she cannot make it for the different dates we arrange... And end up she told me she went last week!! -_-" still dare to tell me she went there stay villa, vip buggy etc etc & took alot of pics by her photographer which was her fren that happens to see her there... i tink i'm gonna skin her alive later... Wahahaah~
Sunday, August 3, 2008
can't sleep~
Jus cannot get to sleep... Wondering y is it so... Maybe i had a relac day bah... Din use any energy... Keke!

Anyway, i just got back from cinema... Watch the movie: "The Mummy'' with my whole family.. Tinking back its really long ago which 4 of us went for movie & somemore its mid-night show... Decide to watch this because 4 of us feel that it will be nice but turn out to be quite disappointing... Effects are nice but story line not really good bah... For me i feel it doesn't link lo... But tru out the movie i laugh alot... Cos some parts really funny.. Keke!! Still can watch la... But dun expect too much lo...
Tis weekend seems abit boring to me.... Tot of going out but abit lazy & dunno where to go oso... Tot of going shopping bt lazy... Tot of going for coffee wf fren oso abit lazy... Tot of meeting fren for meal oso lazy... Haiz! Dunno wat am i up to oso... Maybe see tml who is the 1st to ask me out bah... its oredi 3am liao & i'm nt sleepy... Hur hur~ The feeling of not able to get to sleep is unbearable.... i tink i beta lie on bed 1st & maybe find people to chat abit bah...
hoping to sleep soon~
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